Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Update since its been a while.

Well, here is an update on us in point form since way too much has happened and chances are I will even forget some.
Awesome - we moved into a house, I love having a yard, washer and dryer, the girls have their own room and Mike has an office again.
Not so awesome - our foundation has a leak so Mike is back in the dining room with us for the time being until the ground thaws and the landlord comes to dig 8 feet along the outside and fixes it. Hopefully this will be within the next 2 months and then I can put everything back in it's place.

Another not so awesome - I never knew how much a utilities company has SO MANY stupid useless fees for everything. On our first bill there is at least 5 sections that all have a stupid hidden fee that NOBODY ever uses. Sewer fees, 3 kinds of water charges, water heater rental etc.... it just keeps going. But that's what happens when you didn't have a utility bill at the last place and didn't know about all the shocking fees. lol

However....the most AWESOME PART OF ALL, we now get to regulate our own heat!!!!!!!!!! THANK THE BABY JESUS ITS NOT ALWAYS 30 DEGREES IN OUR HOUSE ANYMORE.
This will give you an idea of how different it is.
At the old place I was always wearing shorts and a tank top. Here, I wear pants and a tshirt for the most part and also put on socks or my slippers here and there. It's amazing!!!!!!

Awesome -  Zoe poops now. This restoralax stuff that the pediatrician told me to give her is a SUPER GAME CHANGER

She goes regularly now without complain, no crying, nothing getting stuck, no hiding in the corner afraid that I would see her trying to hold it and pick her up and bend her legs. AMAZING.

Awesome -  I bought a deep freeze off kijiji and I LOVE the fact that I can cook massive soups, and meals and freeze them. I also love that I can buy 2 of stuff now when on sale and store it in the freezer for those other times of the month where something always comes up and the grocery budget is a little smaller. (come on....lets admit happens to all of us).

Awesome - our living room isn't AS taken over by kids toys anymore. We store a lot of them in the girls rooms now and in the basement. It really helps make our living room a little more adult once the girls go to bed.
Now, I knew that we would still have some toys left out, but it's NOTHING like it was at the old place where we had nowhere else to put stuff.
View into the dining room from the living room

View of the living room from the dining room (it has changed a little since this pic was taken)
And I just realized that since I reorganized for Mikes desk to come into the dining room....once it goes back into the basement I will take Zoe's play kitchen and stick it in the dining room which will make even less in the living room.

My little kitchen

Awesome -  Mike and I have our bedroom back. At the old place we didn't want to put Emma in the girls room just yet because Zoe kept throwing things into her crib and the last thing I wanted was to come in one morning and find everything on top of my baby.
So now Emma is in her own room and it's great.
Not so awesome - She still cant find her suce in the middle of the night on her own and was waking up way too many times for it. So we have been sleep training her. She is getting much better now, and she is maybe crying for 3-5 minutes once in the middle of the night (which we don't go in for). So she seems to be getting the hang of things finally.

Sleep training is hard, and it takes a lot of dedication NOT to go into your childs room....but its worth it when you wake up realizing that you didn't hear your baby at all during the night. So refreshing. lol

NOT awesome -  Zoe is the full throws of the terrible 2's and not listening and pushing her limits even more than I thought she did before. Some days she gets a few time outs, where as the next day she might be an angel. That's the most frustrating part of it all, not knowing what side of your kid you will see until the first hour into the day. Today thankfully seems to be a good day, which is why I am able to sit and write a blog post while Emma is down for a nap. The only thing is that Zoe is stealing all the carrots I put on my counter since I am making a spaghetti sauce in a bit. But to be honest, she can steal all the carrots she wants. I have more in the fridge.

Otherwise, all is pretty much the same with us over here. A happy little family.