Wednesday, June 19, 2013

why is my kid such an asshole all of a sudden!!!!

Zoe....has taken to stomping her feet, crying for nothing and saying no.....a LOT recently.

It is making it very hard to keep my patience and not stick her out on the front lawn with a free sign strapped to her neck.

She will scream and cry and pout about nothing.

She stepped on a piece of cooked rice.
She has a scab on her leg because she plays like a boy and gets banged up.
The cat wont let her pet her....and then kick her.
Mommy and/or daddy said NO.
She doesn't want to eat
Her blanket is bunched up on her bed.
Her sister is crying.
She drank all her juice.

Pretty much any reason is why she is crying. Reminds me a LOT of this -

I keep thinking she is coming down with something. Nope.
I keep thinking its a growth spurt and she's just really tired. Nope.

I am now blaming the terrible two's and realized my hands are going to be very full for a while.

Tonight, she went to bed at 630, a full hour sooner than normal.

Gah!!!! I still have one more child that still hasn't even reached the beginning of this stage!!!!

Wish me luck....cause I am going to need it!!!!!!