A few months back she had such hard poops that they would sometimes get stuck and we would have to "help" it out. Since that time we have been having more and more issues because Zoe is now afraid of going and she will clench and hold it in as long as possible.
We keep trying to explain that she will feel better, she just needs to let it out. The issue is, you cant expect a 2 year old to understand any of this. She just looks at us like we are insane.
When kids are born, the hospital sends you home with a package that contains a sheet of paper about the different poops that you can expect to see. At least they do this in my town.
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Food wise:
Adding flax seed to food
extra fluid
increasing fibre
extra fruit
extra of certain veggies
I've even gone as far as making bran muffins, veggie and fruit muffins, flax muffins, changing her pasta to the whole grain with flax pasta, changing her bread to multi grain bread, no cheese, etc.....
Non food stuff:
abdomen massage
stool softener (kid friendly)
Lactulose (laxative)
I know I am missing stuff in the above lists, and it's gotten so bad that we have a referral for Zoe to see a pediatrician because of her chronic constipation now (appointment in January 2013),
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Funny chart I found online, I think my favorite is the "sassy turd" lol |
It seems that you can look everywhere and find something about poop. It's a topic that is so widespread and talked about that it just pops up in everyday conversations now.
It's even more normal when you are talking to another parent. We seem to discuss our kids and their pooping habits any single chance we get. You can tell so much from a child's poop.
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I don't know where this is from, or what it's really for but it's funny to try to figure out what each one is. |
Having to scoop out, drain, clean and then refill the tub because you cant get mad that her bowels relaxed enough in the tub and she ends up pooping (cause at least she's pooping right?).
Yes there are certain times that are funny, like when your child starts to think that farting is "a poo poo" and exclaims it all the time VERY loudly.
Watching my baby poop is still funny, red faced grunts make me laugh.
I wish that there was something that I could have done to make things easier for Zoe, but I literally having tried all I can.....until today!!!! (and whatever the dr tells us to do).
I have been noticing that the poops Zoe has been having are becoming less rock hard and more semi soft. SO....this morning I noticed her clenching and trying to hold it in (including walking like a penguin so she didn't unclench her bum cheeks), I decided that since she always stands legs stiff together, and shoulders back and braces herself....what would happen if I picked her up??
So I did. I folded her legs into her body (as much as she would let me) and she couldn't clench and that turd HAD to come out. She didn't scream like she does when she is holding it in and it decides to come out on it's own anyways cause it cant hold back anymore.....but you could tell she wasn't too sure what was happening. SHE POOPED!!!!!! A good sized, decent turd!
I was SO proud of her. I kept telling her she pooped and it didn't hurt!!!
I cleaned her up and she seemed like a new child. All day I told all my friends of my daughters poop!!!!
Then tonight, I catch her clenching again (keep in mind I knew that 1 poop wouldn't be enough to clear her out from weeks and weeks of holding it in) and I decided I would try my new found trick once more. SUCCESS!!!!!! We had another big poo!!!!!!
My friend Amanda was here and she also pointed out that after that second poo, her stomach wasn't distended anymore either. Something I had never noticed before!!!!
I hope that I can get her to just push things out on her own again once she realizes that going doesn't hurt anymore, and I also hope that until that time, she doesn't run from me when I see her clenching and come to get her to pick her up! lol