I have recently started giving Emma cereal, and it's a bit of a bittersweet moment for me.
It's exciting, but it's also making me realize that she isn't the small baby that I still feel she is.
It's prompted a trip down memory lane for me, and while going through pictures I realized that yes both girls have differences...but there is NO way anyone can say they don't look alike.
Zoe at 1 month old |
Emma at 1 month old |
I look at Zoe and Emma now, and I don't see it. Zoe has changed so much over the span of 2 years, but she is her own little person now. She's gorgeous, as she was when she was a baby too, but I simply don't remember her being tiny. I don't remember her being Emma's size even.
My little monkey having a snack just before Emma was born |
This will give you an idea as to how quickly things change in babies if you are not a parent yourself.
Emma is 5 months old. She weighs approximately 17lbs right now and it at least 25 inches long. Yes, she's a very healthy girl :)
Over the holidays I was SO excited to get to hold my newest little niece Isla. When I held her she was 3 weeks old, weighed around the 10lb mark, and was probably around 23 inches long.
She felt like the tiniest baby I had ever held.
Now, keep in mind that Emma was smaller then Isla when she was born (Emma was 7.12 and 19inches long, Isla was 10.14 and 22inches long). So how is it I cant remember 5 months back to when she was that tiny?
To make matters even stranger...a friend of ours is pregnant and having a girl come May 2013. I went through all the clothing I kept from Emma (as I have a few friends who are pregnant and I wanted to wait to see what the sexes would be before I got rid of them - YAY one of them is a girl! lol) and I held up some newborn outfits and thought "Emma wore this??" and yes...she did.
It is amazing how fast you can forget. Even the sounds that little Isla was making, her little coo's and grunts so different from Emma, and Isla was still covered in that little fuzzy "down" hair that babies have all over their bodies, Emma doesn't have that anymore, although she does still have the kissable soft baby skin. :)
I kept staring from Isla to Emma thinking "time is precious and I have to make the most of every second I have at home with my girls".
Zoe fast asleep on the couch |
Emma on her way to nap-land in her swing |
I keep thinking more and more about how fast time flies, and how right now with Zoe being in her "terrible 2's" stage and Emma being so small she cant do much in terms of movement and talking right now, in a few years I will probably miss all of this (although I probably wont miss the lack of sleep even though Emma is a good night sleeper).
Zoe |
Emma |
I'll miss moments like holding them and having them be content to just stay in my arms, sneaking in pictures and kisses while they sleep, chasing after them or playing peek-a-boo to get them to laugh. They wont be babies forever, and all I can do is instill in them how to be respectful and polite, to do things for others without having to be asked, and to ALWAYS treat others the way they would want to be treated.
Zoe taking a nap with daddy in Ottawa at my moms |
Emma taking a nap with daddy in Ottawa at my moms.
(It was also Zoe's 2nd birthday) |
Having kids has made me realize that my life was never fully complete without them. I ADORE Mike, but the love you have for your life partner, and the love you hold for your kids are two completely different types of love. (I've had this discussion with Mike, and he wholeheartedly agrees.)
You can never experience a love like the love you hold for your child until you become a parent. Your heart becomes so full it almost wants to explode, then you have a second child and your heart grows even bigger.
I can only best describe it this way, if your child needed a heart, and you were a proper donor....you would rip your own heart out to give it to them without blinking an eye. THAT is the love you feel when being a parent. You would EASILY give up your own life if it could save your child's life, or at least that's how I feel.
Yes, it can be hard.
Yes, there are MANY frustrating moments.
Yes, a lot of it is a guessing game at times.
YES there is a LOT of lack of sleep.
Would I give it up for anything in the world....quite simply put....NEVER.
My family is my life. I ADORE them to the moon and back. I would give them anything and everything I can. As long as they are happy and healthy, I will be a happy mom and wife.
Zoe |
Emma |
Now that Emma has started eating real food, I know the time will simply fly by faster and faster. Before I know it she will be crawling, then talking, then walking.
Moments like this will exist only in pictures.
Snuggles between mom and Emma |
Regardless of how time flies by, I know that my girls will always be in the forefront of my heart, mind and soul.
They will always be my little girls, even when they are married and have babies of their own.
I know that within a few months, Emma will be eating more than cereal and avocado (I have carrot ready for her in my freezer, and we always have banana's here as well).
So sooner rather than later, she will look like Zoe did while eating raspberries too.
I will take every moment with my girls and make it the best moment I can. I will always have memories, and TONS of pictures to remind me that yes, they "were" that small at one point.