Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Some people deserve a kick in the throat

So, I am going to try not to rant too badly here, but I am so disappointed with humanity.

It seems that the nice, respectful, polite people are very few and far between.

The amount of times that I hold the door open for people and don't get a thank you (yes....even when I have both girls with me), letting people cut in front of me in line at the grocery store, coffee places, in parking lots etc....
I like doing things for others. When people come for dinner I make something from scratch I know they will like, even if it means learning how to make something I have never made before (like Vegan meals). I am a people pleaser, I like people to feel happy and comfortable when around me.

What bothers me are the people who don't say thank you or acknowledge that you've helped or have done something for them.

Granted for every person who is rude and impolite, there is always that 1 person who will restore some of your faith in humanity. However its sad that this happens so little that when someone does restore a bit of faith you get really excited and want to run over and high five them or hug the for being so kind. (at least that's how I feel)

It's easy to hold a door open for 5 seconds.

My 2 year old says please and thank you more often than most adults

I have so many stories I could write about how people have "wronged" others or me. But that would make this a really long post, and momma is tired tonight.

All I can say is that everyone should make an effort to be more polite. Do something for someone else, even someone you don't know.
It doesn't cost anything to hold a door open, or smile at someone, or simply say "thank you" to someone for something they have done for you.

Take the time to pay attention around you, and if you see someone walking behind you by 20-30 seconds....just wait and hold the door open for them, don't just be a jerk and look at them and let it close behind you. Especially if you see that this person is holding something or has a child/children.

Karma makes its rounds people, and I don't know about all of you, but I like the feeling I get when doing something nice for someone.

You know it!!!

If everyone just made an effort, the world would be a nicer, happier place.

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